Pros & cons of using a CMS

A Content Management System (CMS) is software that allows users to create, manage and update content with little to no technical support or knowledge. In its simplest form, a CMS is a user-friendly content manager. Using a CMS empowers your wider team to build and manage web pages, freeing up time for developers to focus on more complex and higher-order tasks. Using a CMS allows multiple people to update and work on your site at the same time, as your content is stored on a shared platform.

Common features of a CMS include:

💡 Content creation: allowing users to easily create and format content

🌐 Content storage: keeping all of your content in one place, in a consistent and organized fashion

🏋️ Workflows: assigning permissions for managing content

🏁 Publishing: pushing changes to a live production environment

Two of the primary use cases for a CMS are to manage public-facing websites and private intranets. Depending on the CMS you choose, the content can be sent to a wide variety of presentation layers (e.g. mobile apps, microsites).




The way content is created, managed, and served on a website is fundamentally different between a headful CMS and a headless CMS. In a headful CMS, the presentation layer is tightly integrated with the back-end, whereas in a headless CMS, the presentation layer is decoupled from the content management system. A headless CMS offers more flexibility to integrate with a variety of front-end solutions and devices, making it an excellent option for highly scalable and performance-focused websites. Non-technical team members can edit content, optimize for SEO and performance, and use the same content across different channels and touch points.